Omdömena baseras på enskilda resenärers inlägg hos TripAdvisor (konsumentsida för resor och hotell). Dessa resenärer kan ha rest med annan arrangör eller individuellt. Apollo tar inget ansvar för innehåll eller bedömningar.

Genomsnittliga omdömen

  • 4,5/5 Läge
  • 3,5/5 Sovkvalitet
  • 3/5 Rum
  • 2,5/5 Service
  • 3/5 Standard
  • 3,5/5 Renlighet

28% av resenärerna rekommenderar

230 omdömen
Väldigt bra
Mindre bra

5 senaste omdömen


av Sarah L

All inclusive

Små rum, dåligt städat, maten ej varierad samma mat hela veckan, smakar lite eller ingenting alls. Maten generellt dålig. Wifi ingår ej , kostar mycket att lägga till. Hög volym musik till sent på natten utanför hotellet. Plastmuggar i baren. I Poolbaren ingår ingenting, bekostas själv. Allmänt dålig service. Närheten till stranden son är jättefin är ett stort plus samt maten och lokala ölen i strandbaren mycket god.


av Natalie E

Frygteligt !

Jeg er her med min søn. Der er ikke liggestole nok til alle ved poolen. Maden er så frygtelig, ville ikke engang servicere det for min hund. Der er meget beskidt på hotellet. De er svære at kommunikerer med, og når de ikke forstår, så er de ligeglad. Der er ingen form for service. Da vi ankom, spurgte jeg ind til alt praktisk ang restaurant mm, jeg blev hurtigt viftet af, og så skulle jeg gå til værelset og måtte komme igen. Billederne snyder meget, her er slidt? Beskidt og decideret ulækkert. Rigtig ærgeligt, det svarer til et 2-stjernede hotel absolut ikke mere.


av Mateusz Z

Ogólna ocena 2/5

Plusy: -Lokalizacja, jest naprawdę świetna, do plaży jest bardzo blisko, plaża sama w sobie duża i szeroka. Hotel jest umiejscowiony w samym centrum Słonecznego Brzegu. -Pokoje, są wyremontowane, jak na ten standard hotelu to nie ma się do czego przyczepić. -Lobby, wejście do hotelu sprawia naprawdę dobre wrażenie. Lobby jest wyremontowane, znajdziemy tam sporo kanap gdzie można poczekać przed zameldowaniem/wymeldowaniem. -Jedzenie, może i jest słabej jakości, ale nikomu nie zabraknie. Personel na bieżąco uzupełnia jedzenie, które wystarczy dla każdego. Minusy: -Syf, wszędzie panuje syf, który niestety tworzą LUDZIE. Hotel sam w sobie jest w porządku, obsługa wydaje się dbać o ten porządek. Wszędzie pozostawione jednorazowe kubeczki, czy też talerzyki - dosłownie wszędzie, nawet w doniczkach. -Basen, brak miejsc na leżakach, wszystkie leżaki "zarezerwowane" są od samego rana ręcznikami, które swoją drogą potrafią leżeć po 2 godziny bez żadnej osoby. Basen zamykany jest o 18, co jest zrozumiałe, ale po tej godzinie nie można nawet poleżeć/posiedzieć na leżakach. -Jedzenie, bardzo słabej jakości, dania monotonne - ogólnie jeśli ktoś chcę jechać do tego hotelu all inclusive to nie polecam. Bardziej opłaca się przyjechać tutaj tylko ze śniadaniami. Desery można powiedzieć, że nie istnieją. Lody, które są wykładane dwa razy na dzień schodzą w niecałą godzinę. Brakuje ciast, do dyspozycji mamy tylko suche ciastka. Brak MENU w drink barze, sam barman ledwo co rozumie po angielsku, także prócz podstawowych drinków typu wódka z colą nic więcej nie dostaniemy.


av sharonb197 barton on humber

Food hell

I travelled with my daughter to this hotel, location is spot on across from the beach and a 20 minute walk to flower street. We went all inclusive, advice not worth paying for all inclusive, the food is cold and not in the least appetising. I am not a faddy eater. The all inclusive drinks soft drinks very good, alcoholic drinks spirits strong. Wine ok if you add lemonade. Beer nice. The room was lovely, reception took us to our room on arrival. The view from our balcony was amazing, sea view. The hotel pool is fantastic and you don't need to reserve sunbeds. Can't say alot about the entertainment as we watched both England matches in a sports bar and ate out quite a bit. Jack's bar on flower street is a must visit. Foods good there too. Our rep steve was very helpful. We went on the jeep safari mid week and had a fabulous time, I would defo recommend. Also walked to nessebar old town which is well worth a visit. All in all we had a 👌 fabulous time in sunny beach weather was hot 35 degrees most days.


av Inspire07650795406 Newcastle upon Tyne, Storbritannien


Don’t know where to start tbh, WORST food ever, nothing but veil, chicken & fish & everything always cold, no desserts but biscuits in the restaurant & snacks from bar were fruit & ice cream & bread & butter, oh & could only get drinks included in the fully inclusive from restaurant when open & when tea bags ran out at nine am they wouldn’t restock & only could use one bar in hotel which was couple mins away from pool, I’ve never been fully inclusive & not allowed drinks from pool bar, four places for drinks/snacks & we could only use two of them (one of them was the restaurant) or you had to pay, staff on paying bars were lovely of course but very basic English, the staff from free bar/restaurant were the most rude miserable ppl I’ve ever met & tried best NOT to help or smile, walk into you & my reaction is to say sorry even though it’s not my fault to only get dirty looks & laughed at. I asked for a tea bag at 9am to get a head shake & surrounded by four staff in total as by day four I was absolutely sick of the staff so I said I wanted a tea bag as I’ve paid for fully inclusive & tea is part of that & waiting from 9am until next day is a joke, (English pretty much non existent apart from nasty words) “go away go away” so I bit my lip & walked away but heard laughing so turned around to see them pointing & laughing at me. Every group of ppl we met had someone in the group at some time or all of the group with upset stomachs & some were a lot worse than others where they couldn’t leave the room so checked & water is tap water & obviously ice is, unless you buy from paying bars. The maid took a dirty towel & forget to replace so I stopped a maid to ask for one & all the maids know zero English so luckily I had my phone with translator so very politely said what happened & could I pls have a clean towel using my phone translator, she ran to my room, opened the door & shouted along corridor to maid on our floor who then came running shouting & I mean SHOUTING at me so I said I’m English twice, she went back grabbed ten towels in a pile & ran back & starts shoving them into my niece so I put one finger up & said just 1 so she ran & chuked it in room ran back along corridor & brought back a mop & started cleaning the room whilst throwing stuff about, I was about to flip at this point so I said god knows what the maid said to be going on like that but we’ll just leave so we went back to check our rooms half an hour later & she had pulled ALL my nieces clean folded clothes out & scattered them ALL over the room her brushes & chargers etc were neatly on desk had been thrown about, things scattered on bed, it had been absolutely ransacked!! Didn’t dare complain as what would she do next days, two days after that sitting in restaurant with my niece my other niece called to ask where we were & why we were back so quick!! The maid had been in & left our front door wide OPEN, luckily she saw it!!! A mother had her little girl who started to not breathe properly so asked at the paying bar for water, tried charging!!!! she didn’t have money in her costume so pointed she’s chocking I need water, believe it or not as I saw it & im struggling still, they passed over a plastic glass full of VODKA!!! For a TWO year old!!! A woman started her monthly through night & sheets were white so went to reception to ask for a clean sheet & sanitry item to be told “problem problem go away go away” whilst doing the hand gestures, dirty looks from every staff member BUT from paying pool bar & inside paying bar & oh ive so many more things but I’m now writing a storey so I’ll leave it, I’ll finish off with letting you know the lifeguard sat & watched while someone choked in the pool as I screamed for help whilst trying to pull him out, YES ON DUTY!!. NOT WORTH THE UNBELIEVABLE DRAMA, THAT HOTEL IS DANGEROUS & IGNORANCE & RUDENESS from staff IS NEXT LEVEL